A project began to build a stone security wall around the perimeter of St Timothy’s School, to replace the wooden fence that had been destabilised by ants, and increase the safety of the 600 children terrorised from the increasing number of motorcycles driving through the compound.

During 2015 through donations and fundraising events The St Timothy Foundation has continued to support St Timothy’s School and Diawo School in Nzara.

The St Timothy Foundation has also increased the grants to the popular and effective women’s microfinance project in Nzara to enable 42 women to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient. 

The Foundation received photographs and reports from Bishop Samuel Peni (Nzara diocese) when he visited Pewsey in 2015

The St Timothy Foundation provided training and equipment for 16 new Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA) plus refresher training and updated equipment for 20 previously trained TBAs. 

In March 2015 a new borehole near St. Timothy’s School was completed to provide St Timothy’s and Diawo Schools, the health clinic and the community with reliable, clean, safe water.  This borehole is now serving about 500 families that have an average size of 7-12 members each.

David Gough relays a story from his South Sudan visit. “As we walked on the outskirts of the town we came upon a boy drawing water from a dirty pool on the track.  Some of us spoke to him to discover that the nearest borehole was one mile away and he was bringing water back for his mother to cook dinner.  Unfortunately, this is all too common in the water scarce communities in impoverished remote rural locations of South Sudan.  It is good to know that the community in Nzara now has a reliable supply of clean, safe water.”                                        

Photos below show a crowd of local people standing around the pristine pump.